June Parade of Roses

Once again it's the glorious month of June, and the roses in my garden are at their glorious best. Here are a few photos.

This tree is a styrzx obassia... and I have an old rosebush climbing through it, to give our chickadees pleasant surroundings.

This tree is a styrzx obassia... and I have an old rosebush climbing through it, to give our chickadees pleasant surroundings.

A mighty New Dawn climbing rose bush covers our garage roof. It is impenetrable and thorn-filled .

Here, the New Dawn climber watches over my garden.

Source: http://www.cherylkirknoll.blogspot.com/

Illustration Friday 2014, and Happy New Year!

© Cheryl Kirk Noll "Time Passes"

© Cheryl Kirk Noll "Time Passes"

Warmest wishes to all during this "Polar Vortex." May your 2014 be productive, healthy and filled with peace and love.

A Happy and Joyous New Year to All!

This week's Illustration Friday has the prompt word: "TIME." How appropriate for a new year.

I'm floating on the automatic high of "starting fresh," as I do every January. Still, I'm posting an old piece... "Time Passes." Although it's remains one of my favorites, it is 13 years old! Perhaps I'll do an update in a decade or two!

Children's Book art at the Society of Illustrators

Illustrator Judith Moffatt and I traveled to New York to brunch with fellow illustrators and two Highlights for Children editors at the Society of Illustrators at 128 East 63rd Street in New York.


Founded in 1901, the Society's mission is to promote the art of illustration, to appreciate its history and evolving nature through exhibitions, lectures and education, and to contribute the service of its members to the welfare of the community in large.

photo from http://www.societyillustrators.org

Rose Mary Berlin arranged for a group to attend an elegant brunch buffet. My favorite part was the fellow who cooked a made-to-order omlette right at the buffet table. Of course, the buffet couldn't hold a candle to Highlights brunch!!

We then went to the "The Original Art" exhibit, which runs through December 21, 2013. It's an annual exhibit (founded by Dilys Evans in 1980)  celebrating the fine art of children's book illustration. (How appropriate!)

This years show features 125 books selected by a jury of illustrators, art directors, and editors.  This year’s Silver Medal winners are 

Jon Klassen for The Dark

(Hachette Book Group / Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) and

Simona Mulazzani for I Wish I Had...

(Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / Eerdmans Books for Young Readers). The Gold Medal winner is

Jennifer Yerkes

for A Funny Little Bird

(Sourcebooks / Jabberwocky).

Some of my favorite art was by Melissa Sweet, Molly Idle, Jill McElmurry, and Jason Chin.

I have a connection to Jason's family... one of those "red thread" stories, where you find yourself with ties to certain people throughout your life.

Jason's mother, Mary was a high-school friend in Delaware. His father, Ray was a grad student when I attended RISD, and taught one workshop in my illustration class. I've always credited Ray for teaching me how to do watercolor washes, and I use his lesson to this day to teach my students.

Ray and Mary's  younger son, Michael was born on the same day as my son, Phil. The Chins moved to Lyme, NH, where another friend of mine lived, as well as Trina Schart Hyman.

Jason went to Syracuse, and I've followed his soaring career ever since. His art from "Island: A Story of the Galapogos" is stunning.

It was exciting to pore over the art of display. From oils to watercolor, cut paper to digital, all of the work is beautifully designed.

PS. Thanks to Judith Moffatt for all of the group shots.

Building Photo - Today
Judith Moffatt at the Society of Illustrators

Judith Moffatt at the Society of Illustrators

Cheryl Kirk Noll, Sharon Vargo, Mary, Ellen Appleby

Cheryl Kirk Noll, Sharon Vargo, Mary, Ellen Appleby

Jennifer Yerkes

Upper: Peter Brown, Lower: Molly Idle

Upper: Peter Brown, Lower: Molly Idle

front, L to R: Kelley Cunningham, Judith Moffatt, Dolores Motichkamiddle: Cheryl Kirk Noll, Mary Wilshire Magnusson, Barbara Lanza, Paige Billin-Frye,back: Ellen Appleby, Rebecca Thornburgh, Mike Moran, Sharon Vargo, Rose Mary Berlin

front, L to R: Kelley Cunningham, Judith Moffatt, Dolores Motichka

middle: Cheryl Kirk Noll, Mary Wilshire Magnusson, Barbara Lanza, Paige Billin-Frye,

back: Ellen Appleby, Rebecca Thornburgh, Mike Moran, Sharon Vargo, Rose Mary Berlin