Cheryl has illustrated over thirty books for children, including several award-winning picturebooks.
A Basket of Bangles, by Ginger Howard, Millbook Publishing
- Skipping Stones Honor Award for Multicultural and International Books, 2002
- NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People
- Bank Street College Best Children's Books of the Year
“Geography and economics come together in Howard’s multicultural story of a young woman from Bangladesh. Lively watercolors wonderfully depict the village Sufiya lives in. Vibrant-colored saris clothe the women, woven mats cover the floors of the simple grasshuts, and the marketplace is filled with people, animals, stalls, and wares for sale.A good addition to an elementary economics curriculum.”
“Lovely watercolor paintings grace each page with bright colors and give a feeling for the country. ”
Bokuden and the Bully, by Stephen Kresky, Lerner Publications
“... impressively illustrated
by Cheryl Kirk Noll.”
Part of the outstanding Millbrook Press 'On My Own Folklore' series, this wonderful story is highly recommended for family, school, and community library
Folklore/Folktale collections for young readers.
In this legend, Tsukahara Bokuden, a famous swordsman of the Sengoku period in Japan, agrees to fight a Samurai bully without using his sword.
The Black Regiment of the American Revolution, by Linda Crotta Brennan, AppreniceShop Books, Ltd.
“African-American history at its most courageous—
the story of America’s first black soldiers soldiers.”
“Noll’s illustrations bring the tale to life,
giving a human face to harsh conditons
and battles.”
”A thoroughly documented, endearing testimony of the roles of African American patriots. I highly recommend this book for young children.”
“It is so important for us to hear our history.
This book highlights a little known fact about
a proud people’s service to this country.””
“Large, action-packed paintings show the troops in action and provide a glimpse into the past.” ”
“The Black Regiment Of The American Revolution was scrupulously researched by author and library program coordinator Linda Crotta Brennan, and superbly illustrated by Cheryl Kirk Noll for young readers ages 7 to 11 and grades 2 to 6.
No elementary school or community library should be without at least one copy of The Black Regiment of The American Revolution for the American History and Black Studies collections.”